10 kids too many.

You know the worst part of having 10 children is the fact that people equate more children with bad. People are amazed when we go in public that our children are well mannered and behaved. For me my children are busy but still behaved. As a homeschooling mother to a house full of children, I’m not going to lie, it can get overwhelming under certain circumstances like being short on funds but that has nothing to do with them and everything to do with me.

I am disheartened at how some people, usually family, will discredit my ability to parent by finding something to fault me about when growing up with my children. I don’t like to say raise them because in many aspects they teach me. We have a reciprocal relationship opposed to a dictatorship. You will never find fault in our ability to “raise” our children. We do our best and that’s all we can do. That’s all anyone can do.

We keep ourselves private for this very reason. Its funny how that can trigger someone to look down on you.

Everyone who knows me knows that I love love and laughing. I am not controversial. I will often choose your feelings over mine to keep the peace. And I am always sincere in what I do. I am the biggest crybaby in private and simply quiet and composed in public. I hate to be the center of attention and will boost anybody up. I am a gentle soul, connected to other’s pains often trying to fix things. I think before I speak and I never take a bet I could possibly lose. Family is everything but mine comes first. I spend most of my brain power trying to fix a situation that should have long ago died.

At this point I am so mentally drained. McRush and I have managed to create our own village and I don’t know why I fight so hard to be apart of any other one. I guess I’m just so simple that I cannot comprehend why love isn’t simpler.

Wouldn’t it be great if we all could let one another be who they are they way they wanted to be. Gently nudging them when we see them off track. Hugging when needed, space likewise.

All of my life all I ever asked and prayed for was to be happy. I guess I should have asked that those who love me be happy for me too.

Do you find it hard to be happiest when others around you aren’t happy for you?

10 kids too many.

You know the worst part of having 10 children is the fact that people equate more children with bad. People are amazed when we go in public that our children are well mannered and behaved. For me my children are busy but still behaved. As a homeschooling mother to a house full of children, I’m not going to lie, it can get overwhelming under certain circumstances like being short on funds but that has nothing to do with them and everything to do with me.

I am disheartened at how some people, usually family, will discredit my ability to parent by finding something to fault me about when growing up with my children. I don’t like to say raise them because in many aspects they teach me. We have a reciprocal relationship opposed to a dictatorship. You will never find fault in our ability to “raise” our children. We do our best and that’s all we can do. That’s all anyone can do.

We keep ourselves private for this very reason. Its funny how that can trigger someone to look down on you.

Everyone who knows me knows that I love love and laughing. I am not controversial. I will often choose your feelings over mine to keep the peace. And I am always sincere in what I do. I am the biggest crybaby in private and simply quiet and composed in public. I hate to be the center of attention and will boost anybody up. I am a gentle soul, connected to other’s pains often trying to fix things. I think before I speak and I never take a bet I could possibly lose. Family is everything but mine comes first. I spend most of my brain power trying to fix a situation that should have long ago died.

At this point I am so mentally drained. McRush and I have managed to create our own village and I don’t know why I fight so hard to be apart of any other one. I guess I’m just so simple that I cannot comprehend why love isn’t simpler.

Wouldn’t it be great if we all could let one another be who they are they way they wanted to be. Gently nudging them when we see them off track. Hugging when needed, space likewise.

All of my life all I ever asked and prayed for was to be happy. I guess I should have asked that those who love me be happy for me too.

Do you find it hard to be happiest when others around you aren’t happy for you?

Naughty by nature.

Why are my children running around here cussing Y’all?

I mean like pros! It’s the littles. They get mad and spew out the “b” word in a hot flash. and don’t let them get hurt. They drop the “f” bomb in a way that would make a sailor proud. I can’t really say I am mad about it because there are times when I want to throw out a few explicit of my own, but alas, here I am trying to set a good example for these knuckleheads.

We are probably the most unholy holy people you will ever meet. We don’t cuss (at least McRush and I don’t), smoke, drink, party, or have unfit company, shoot we don’t even get out much. But not for reason of religion but reasons of choice. The RushBunch are not even allowed to watch television and when they do as a treat it is definitely a G rated movie, okay maybe there have been a few PG in there but you get my point.

Yes, I correct and chastise them but who chose these particular words as cuss words? My mother used to teach us that any word used out of anger or to humiliate or degrade someone was a cuss word so why these particular words?

Behind my closed bedroom doors, I laugh at their ability to grasp the context of the word to use it in a proper manner. Hmm, maybe I AM doing a great job homeschooling.

Or perhaps they overheard me listening to Cardi B.


View More: http://foreverinamemoryphotography.pass.us/rushfamily2017

Be BOLD honey!

Can I be honest with you guys? I know I don’t have to ask that question because everyone who knows me, from clients to friends, know that I am an open book. You can literally ask me anything. I do not have time for secrets or facade. And I can honestly say that I have never said this before but 2018 is my YEAR!

Let me just toot my horn for a minute. I give phenomenal coaching advice and I am an awesome consultant. I don’t say this just because I believe it; because I do. I say it because I have coached and consulted hundreds of people and I, to date, have not had a single complaint, ever! Now here is my issue coupled with my transparency.

I suck at taking my own advice. Like literally. I will give out tips tricks and ideas for my clients to implement and next thing I know, they are calling me telling me how wonderful the outcome was and while I am completely happy for them, I could slap myself for not following suit. It’s ridiculous!

The problem is, I believe, my time. While my clients may be just starting their business and have none to maybe a couple of children, I have 10 so my structure is a little different. But you all know how I hate excuses so this year that is unacceptable. In addition, I am one of those people who hates to delegate because every time I do, it goes wrong. I have attempted at 3 virtual assistants and even hired one on but it just never seems to work out. Can a sister get an honest worker?! But this year, I am going to lose some of these time-consuming tasks and enjoy my business. I am going to shoot my shot and go big! You will be surprised at some of the things I have in the making for my company and my children!

Of Course, this means I will be blogging more so I am excited about that as well.

So share this blog and subscribe and let’s enjoy 2018!!!!


View More: http://foreverinamemoryphotography.pass.us/rushfamily2017

To beat their butts or not…..

I’m not here for a debate so I will just jump right into it.

As a mother to 9, soon to be 10, children, I assure you that this is the most asked questioned we get. It is usually dressed up nicely by those who try to be politically correct or just plain nosey. “How do you get them to behave?’ or “What do you use?”

The answer in my head is, none of your dang business, but I play nice and smile and say “Love.”

Believe it or not children do respond well to it. Now, please do not be misinformed, they CAN get it but it doesn’t resort to that.

I have my days when I want to pull my hair out or simply state to my husband, ..”and we have NINE”. I get headaches and I fuss. Most times I put myself in time out which is usually the attempt to hide in my closet from the littles who have not yet learned my moods and patience level.

Every time, and I do mean every time, we are out in public we are approached with statements like, “I can’t even get my two children to behave, I cannot imagine having nine”. The truth is, if you cannot get your two children to behave then you probably should have stopped at one. I know, that was harsh but you are the parent.

As for me I am the most impatient person I know and I do not accept anything less than your best and that goes for my children as well. If they are wrong, I tell them they are wrong. If they are not doing their best, I tell them that too. If they are acting like a jerk, I let them know that as well. I am really bad at sugar coating things and that goes for my children as well. I pretty much treat my children like I treat my clients. I am not here to feed you fairytales about how wonderful you are and how great the world is. I am here to tell you the truth and prepare you for an even harsher truth called life.

So I suppose by now you are like, answer the question already! So, No. No I do not beat my children into submission otherwise my life would be much simpler. My children are very well behaved in public but let me tell you something, they are absolutely barbaric at home! I mean really, flipping through the house, jumping down the stairs, running around like loose weirdos, but in public, not a peep.

There really is no secret to it at all. Do I believe children should get their butt beat? Yup. I have seen some children that I just want to beat on site, old school with an extention cord but they are not mine so I digress and mind my business like I would like people to do about mine.

Again, I definitely have my days, especially trying to work on my businesses and homeschool whilst continuing to be a good wife and mother. It is tiring and oftentimes stressful. I recently spoke with someone about this issue I have about feeling like I was going to go crazy and she suggested I, get this, get organized!!! What, the nerve! But I took her advice and spent the last week in June creating a slew of schedules that I implemented starting July 1st. And although it is only the second of July, my life has never been so smooth sailing, even before the RushBunch. We stick to those schedules like my life depends on it (because I think it does). This is the second night where nine o’clock hit and all of my children are asleep. This feels like heaven! If I keep this up, this may not be the last Rush out of me yet [LIES].

I am so grateful for her and her wise words to me. Now I am like a child in a candy store; excited to get to bed before one a.m.

Homeschooling 101

So you want to homeschool.

I often get many questions and blessings about homeschooling. It is usually followed up by statements like, “I wish I could homeschool but I don’t know where to start.” or “I don’t have the time.” Well I am here to bust both of those questions and many more in this blog to help you get started.

First, in case you do not know, I am a Business owner of a small consulting firm called Rush Consulting Firm. This business is my pride and joy. It is one I built from the ground up and am able to work anytime and anywhere. With that being said, though my schedule is very flexible, it is still a very demanding position as I wear many hats within the company. So while I can bend my schedule like some of you may not be able to, that also means I work, oftentimes, into the early morning hours of the day. I do get tired and I do get cranky but homeschooling is definitely something I am committed to. I have a cheat for those moments that will allow you a moment to breathe and regather yourself while your children still learn even without you around.

I will say right up front that I do not follow any type of curriculum, I do what I call ‘free teaching’. What that means is while there are a plethora of academic platforms to educate your children, I choose, for personal reasons, not to use any of them.

I will admit that I was thoroughly confused as to where to start and what to teach but I was, and still am, so determined to educate my children according to what I now know as an adult as well as where they are currently in the own educational position that I had to put in some creative work and research to better advance the minds of my children.

I will also forewarn you that, I am all about teaching my children self love and self respect in addition to others, which is something that is not taught in the public school, or private school for that matter, education system. I believe in positive affirmations and daily reminders of who they are and what they can accomplish while including their fellow peers.

For starters, I enrolled in Homeschool Legal Defense Association in the event that I incur any legal issues, because I’m going to be honest, as a black woman I am always mindful of my rights as a parent and I am also aware that I am still black. (That is my stance and it is not up for debate.)

Let me tell you why I pulled my children from the public school system.

My oldest son has always been an advanced honor student who had made a’s and B’s his entire life through the eighth grade, when he was enrolled in High School, I was told he had to go to a particular school which was predominately black. In my experience since moving to the south, That usually means less care (teachers not being paid their worth, struggling academically, less resources, etc) but I didn’t know then what I know now and I went along even against my better judgement because my son was smart. Well, turns out, I was correct. While there were a handful of awesome teachers and administrative staff there, my son kept coming home with straight F’s. Now I am no fool, I know my son paid a part in this as well, however, I should have known this school was not going to give my child the push I know he needed to continue to accelerate.

My other oldest was diagnosed with ADHD, I am not even going to get into that whole agenda. But due to this, he struggled in school because the teacher, due to lack of understanding and compassion, would simple place him in the back of the class, oftentimes giving him an attitude for asking questions, and write inappropriate notes on his papers and in his planner.

My oldest daughter was too smart for the level she was in and often would simply be advocated as teachers assistant to help teach her peers in class. I could already see that this was going to lead down a road to boredom and failing grades.

So, I pulled them. All 5 who were currently enrolled in the Public school system. Now there are 7 technically but of course my rule is, ‘If I’m teaching, you’re learning’ so all 9 are in class Monday through Friday with light review work on the weekends. I am free to teach my children on any level I please, because again, I do not follow any curriculum.

How do I do it? Google. Just kidding. That is my starting point however. I literally googled ‘What should my child know by the end of [whatever grade they are in]. I teach all of my children a level up and that is where the weekend review comes in, That is stuff ‘on their level’ to be sure I am not moving too fast and they know what they should.

For my littles, I go to the dollar tree and get the educational workbooks. I take them home and dismantle them into one page lessons. I separate the by grade level and I make packets that consist of 5 to 6 pages (they are front and back, so you end up with 10 to 12 pages of work. I designate the packets into their individual work spaces and in the mornings, they know to grab a packet and get started. You can do this up the fifth grade from the dollar tree but Barnes and Nobles also have activity books up to the eighth grade that you can do this with. It usually takes them anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour or more to complete these daily packets. Then you can take a break or continue on teaching.

We have a Goodwill here that sells by the bulk. Thank goodness for this because its where I get most of my academic books from. I believe the books are 50 cents a pound versus 2.99 a book at regular Goodwill stores. I have every level of every book you need to graduate your child from high school and probably college. Anything from literature to microeconomics. My oldest even works from some college books we have. My children excel daily and I can see it. That is something I never experienced in public schools. We also use Khan Academy which is available on an app as well as youtube. My children utilize it for a clearer understanding of what I teach in class in addition to jumping ahead.

I signed up for ABC mouse for my 3-6 year old children but it was too easy and they breezed through it in one day, so I cancelled my subscription. I have learned that my children, and I am sure many others, learn much better in a one on one environment. And while I have nine children I teach, They still get plenty of one on one everyday.

I buy index cards and everything goes on them! Colors, shapes, numbers, sight words, alphabets, addition, subtraction, multiplication, sentences structures, you name it and I am pretty sure I have a stack of flash cards.

The state I am in mandates 4.5 hours a day of learning, and I know some of you may say, I just don’t have four hours to dedicate. Well, remember, this does not have to be a consecutive four hours but also this includes self or Montessori style teaching as well, remember those packets?

Also, trips to the grocery store can be used as a math lesson. Trips to the zoo can be a counted as a science trip. A family trip can be a geography lesson. Paying bills can be an economics lesson. So keep these little things in mind.

I have been slow to put this together because I want to make sure I cover most, if not all of your questions. It does not have to be hard. If you have a difficult child, it will do you and him/her some good to spend more time together to better learn one another. They are human too and thus have emotions. Having sessions discussing this could also be counted as a psychology lesson. <—- See what I did there?

So in closing, Be creative, take charge of your child’s growth and development. Trust me, You will never regret it! You will definitely learn as well along the way. And if you have any questions, I am always available. My contact information is on the front page of the blog.



Nosey black people

So I come outside to find a portion of peace with Roger (pictured below) and unbeknownst to me there are three police cars and a white car which looks like a Chevy Malibu (you can thank McRush for my knowledge of cars). Two police officers are searching the Malibu and one officer is keeping them, occupied, for lack of a better word.

There is a woman standing in her yard where the people were pulled over on her phone with an attitude, loud. Catercorner to her is a large group of people standing outside just looking. Now, I know I am going to catch plenty of backlash for this but why are you watching? You have nothing better to do? My people! Does watching the incident unfold make you feel better about your life? Does it give you something positive to converse about?

I am sure many of you, both black and white, will respond stating something along the lines of; ‘With the string of murders of our black people, we should be watching to be sure nothing happens to them.’ To that I respond, Yeah right. First of all our community has been nosing in other peoples businesses well before that with or without police presence. Second of all  what exactly would you do if something were to happen besides grab your phone and record?

McRush hates when I categorize us in a negative manner because really, lets face it, all races have their nosey tendencies. But, I can only speak for mine because I am black, not too black according to a few of my fellow peers, but just black enough to reap some benefits.

So here I sit my beneficial behind in the grass observing the observers and blogging about it. I guess that makes me nosey too. Hmmm.



I really am trying to stay on top of blogging and keeping you all up to date on the happenings of the RushBunch but you know me, I just get so slack when it comes to blogging or sleeping, I oftentimes choose sleep. As crazy and chaotic as that sounds, I sometimes will grab a nap instead of my laptop.
As I am typing this I am literally drained and all I want to do is go to sleep however today is a birthday and the house is all the way live, not that its any different from any other day But they are wired on mini cupcakes and ice cream.
I believe I am truly out to sabotage myself. Every since I have started homeschooling and running my business from home, my home simply has no structure. I am hoping that this move will assist me in re implementing things like early bed times, hair days, general house cleaning day, and the like instead of me deciding on a whim what I am going to do that day.
I remember the days when I got up at 5:15 to prepare for my daily prayer/motivational call at 5:30 and my days flowed so smoothly because the night before I had sat down to schedule out the entire day all the way down to the littles bedtime at 7:30. Oh how I miss those days. Its funny when you break a cycle its hard to get it going again. I am glad to have known such structure and have something to work towards because if not, I would not know life could be more relaxed and thus not lose my mind!
Anyhow enough rambling, although that is pretty much what my blogs are…
Today was supposed to be a lounge around day but yes, we forgot we were going to do something for the birthday girl. The good news is our children are very easy to please so when we asked her what she wanted to do, she said have a pizza party and watch a movie. When asked what she wanted for her birthday, she replied, “flowers”. DONE! the downside is whenever we leave the house we are oftentimes gone for hours because we remember something else that needed to be done. Needless to say we didn’t get home until after 7:45 so the whole 8 o’clock bedtime is surely out the window. I have learned to be okay with that.
it is 10:01pm and we have just started the go-to-bed process with the littles so we are looking at a 12:30 bedtime… sigh.
One day I will get to bed by 10 pm. Today is not that day…tomorrow isn’t looking to good either.
