10 kids too many.

You know the worst part of having 10 children is the fact that people equate more children with bad. People are amazed when we go in public that our children are well mannered and behaved. For me my children are busy but still behaved. As a homeschooling mother to a house full of children, I’m not going to lie, it can get overwhelming under certain circumstances like being short on funds but that has nothing to do with them and everything to do with me.

I am disheartened at how some people, usually family, will discredit my ability to parent by finding something to fault me about when growing up with my children. I don’t like to say raise them because in many aspects they teach me. We have a reciprocal relationship opposed to a dictatorship. You will never find fault in our ability to “raise” our children. We do our best and that’s all we can do. That’s all anyone can do.

We keep ourselves private for this very reason. Its funny how that can trigger someone to look down on you.

Everyone who knows me knows that I love love and laughing. I am not controversial. I will often choose your feelings over mine to keep the peace. And I am always sincere in what I do. I am the biggest crybaby in private and simply quiet and composed in public. I hate to be the center of attention and will boost anybody up. I am a gentle soul, connected to other’s pains often trying to fix things. I think before I speak and I never take a bet I could possibly lose. Family is everything but mine comes first. I spend most of my brain power trying to fix a situation that should have long ago died.

At this point I am so mentally drained. McRush and I have managed to create our own village and I don’t know why I fight so hard to be apart of any other one. I guess I’m just so simple that I cannot comprehend why love isn’t simpler.

Wouldn’t it be great if we all could let one another be who they are they way they wanted to be. Gently nudging them when we see them off track. Hugging when needed, space likewise.

All of my life all I ever asked and prayed for was to be happy. I guess I should have asked that those who love me be happy for me too.

Do you find it hard to be happiest when others around you aren’t happy for you?

10 kids too many.

You know the worst part of having 10 children is the fact that people equate more children with bad. People are amazed when we go in public that our children are well mannered and behaved. For me my children are busy but still behaved. As a homeschooling mother to a house full of children, I’m not going to lie, it can get overwhelming under certain circumstances like being short on funds but that has nothing to do with them and everything to do with me.

I am disheartened at how some people, usually family, will discredit my ability to parent by finding something to fault me about when growing up with my children. I don’t like to say raise them because in many aspects they teach me. We have a reciprocal relationship opposed to a dictatorship. You will never find fault in our ability to “raise” our children. We do our best and that’s all we can do. That’s all anyone can do.

We keep ourselves private for this very reason. Its funny how that can trigger someone to look down on you.

Everyone who knows me knows that I love love and laughing. I am not controversial. I will often choose your feelings over mine to keep the peace. And I am always sincere in what I do. I am the biggest crybaby in private and simply quiet and composed in public. I hate to be the center of attention and will boost anybody up. I am a gentle soul, connected to other’s pains often trying to fix things. I think before I speak and I never take a bet I could possibly lose. Family is everything but mine comes first. I spend most of my brain power trying to fix a situation that should have long ago died.

At this point I am so mentally drained. McRush and I have managed to create our own village and I don’t know why I fight so hard to be apart of any other one. I guess I’m just so simple that I cannot comprehend why love isn’t simpler.

Wouldn’t it be great if we all could let one another be who they are they way they wanted to be. Gently nudging them when we see them off track. Hugging when needed, space likewise.

All of my life all I ever asked and prayed for was to be happy. I guess I should have asked that those who love me be happy for me too.

Do you find it hard to be happiest when others around you aren’t happy for you?

It be that second child.

Listen. Nobody stresses me out more than my second born. Like, he really be trying my patience. I will talk to him until I am blue in face and he does not care. I be talking so long I be parched, tongue sticking to the roof of my mouth. 😂

I would tell y’all what I be talking about but you know, what you put on the internet stays on the internet and he won’t ever have friends. 😑

Ava is sick and Maia. I hate it. We have the heat on to dry out their wet coughs and noses. They have been sleeping it away most of the day so hopefully they’ll be better tomorrow.

I had an interesting workday. First of all I thought it was Wednesday. People booked back to back calls and 3 of them didn’t show up. One of our print clients minimized their order so that was a financial blow.

And to top things off its getting cold and I’m super pregnant meaning I can’t fit my cute winter stuff. I also refuse to go shopping because I declare that this will be my last pregnancy.

With so much going on, its safe to say I’m a little bummed out so I just took the rest of the week off. It happens though. Life has great ups so it must have great downs.

Happy Turkey week. ❤️

I took a nap.

Y’all know that song on tiktok that goes “I had a lot of things to do today but you know what I did instead? I took a nap”. This was so me. I couldn’t get in the house fast enough to curl up on the couch. What made it even better is Maia was asleep in my arms so she easily became my snuggle bunny. 😍

Those are the moments that moms dream of. Not this time though. I did it. It was short lived but much needed. This pregnancy is kicking my butt! Half of the time I don’t know if I’m coming or going. I just hit 27 weeks this week and these months are DRAAAAAAAGING!🙄

I don’t know if I told you guys but McRush joined the firm full time and I am LOVING it. We get to spend more time together and more importantly we fully parent together. No putting parent against parent which is something the littles like to do. Nothing big, just they will ask me and if I say No they’ll ask dad. 😑

For those wondering, no we do not argue. We have roles we play and we do them well. Now there were a few times when we get frustrated with work and may snap without thinking but nothing we can’t fix and understand. It makes for more balance. We’re such good friends that we get each other. We know when each other needs space and when we need more love. Its truly an amazing thing. ❤️

My oldest is back home, he works out of state. Isaiah got his first job and my mom bought a home only 2 hours away instead of 36. Life is definitely great. 🤗

I just did the numbers and we have a 32% increase in business compared to last year. We are building a printing portion to the brand which McRush is heading up and we already are slammed with orders. I’m also on track to put my book out in July so I am working on the podcast now! I am hella excited.😊

I am still committed to teaching other mom entrepreneurs live the life they want without sacrificing time or money to do it. 🤑

Click the link. http://www.RushConsultingFirm.com Because you deserve all the things you want the way you want them NOW.

Some truth about family, business and money. iRush edition.

Y’all wanna hear something not may Coaches/Consultants will tell you?

Imagine making 10k a month and waking up to $0.04 in your personal account.
This was me this morning.
This is why I don’t teach about money, I teach about sustainability in your business. This is the most money I have been making in my business since conception yet I still have children, operations, payroll, bills, etc.😭

Sure 10k months are amazing. In fact, I prayed for them, but this is why I say consistent is relevant. 5 years ago we were living off 2500 a month. It doesn’t matter how much I make because I’m not you. 10k to my family is a drop in the bucket. For someone else, its the life they yearn for. If you’re going to pray for consistency, be sure its consistently scaling. Consistently growing. Making the same money consistently is not the flex.😑

I would like to add that my account has much more money in it now that I paid myself for the day. 😜

The point of this post is that we are all learning and growing along the way. Don’t get caught up in who has what and/or where someone else may or may not be. Your journey is yours. Trust the process but more importantly work the process.

In my journey I will always be transparent and honest. I will hold myself accountable just as much as I do you. I am doing what I am passionate about and I teach you along the way through my failures and successes. In 5 years you’ll be glad you hired me and implemented what I taught because you’ll be sitting at the table with me not fawning over me. 😍
Click the link.

What a HORRORble week. 🎃

😂😂😂 You see what I did there?

Awe! Come on! You have been following me long enough to know that I LOVE corny jokes. That’s mostly because I suck at them and I love to hear from others who suffer the same handicap. 😂

Really it wasn’t a horrible week (← 👀 I can spell horrible 😜).  If you consider shifting from your planning for the week and going by the seat of your pants horrible then yes. Yes it was. McRush and I had a rush print order so that consumed us. One of my clients decided that they want to expand more so that meant more research and collaborative efforts on their behalf in addition to strategy. PLUS another client is having employee issues so that’s BIG. This threw homeschooling for a loop because it meant I had to multitask and y’all know I hate that shit.🙄 But we are troopers so you know we knocked it all out of the park.

This is the part of business and family that I am talking about when I discuss planning. If we did not plan out our week we would have been lost trying to figure it out. Instead all we had to do was shift. We also found that we can do homeschooling differently and so far we love it. Its so much easier. If you want to know about that you have to book on the site. 😉 I can’t give you everything.

Overall the week was handled like a boss and I even bought myself something nice. Oh! I was also featured in Medium so that’s hella dope!

If you need help in your business or even the balance of life, why not ask someone who is doing it consistently, successfully, AND with 10 children? Click the link. Because You Deserve All The Things You Want The Way You Want Them, NOW!