Black mothers hate their daughters 😒

There is this deep-rooted question that [black] people dont ask but want to know the answer to.

Why are these mothers raising their daughters but loving their sons.

More directly, why are mothers so hard on their daughters but coddling their sons.

For a long time, I felt that. Many women attribute it to mothers being jealous of their daughters whilst being gentle on their sons and allowing them to be all over the place (both physically and emotionally).

When I was a single mother. I coddled the hell out of my boy as a single mother. So I thought I knew. I was like, yeah, we do do that. But maturing and now raising 12 children with a husband ( their father). I see this differently.

As a woman, a mom, I am made to be gentle, nurturing, loving, embracing, and encouraging. That’s what I do. But, with daughters, it’s not competition. It is being firm with my daughters so they don’t make my mistakes. I have wisdom now. But I talk to them and explain it. Some of our mothers didn’t know how to do that. Their love came out frustrated because they were scared for you. This world will eat our girls alive. I talk to my girls about every mistake I ever made, and I remind them that they will make some as well, probably repeating some of mine. But it’s okay, never feel like you can’t come to me and we will work it out. That’s how life works. But see, some of our mothers didn’t have that, so they don’t know what that looks like, and some of our mothers may still be traumatized by the stigmas placed on them because of their mistakes.

Having a husband and very present father shows me even more that I am doing it right. Because I do love on my boys hard. But their father is there to get them on the path to manhood. That’s not my job. I can teach my sons many things, but how to be his own man is not one of them. Sure, I can teach him to be the man I want…. read that again. I can give him the descriptions and attributes of what I believe a man should be, but that’s molding him into a man for a woman like me. What if that’s not the woman he wants?

I tell this story about my oldest.
I potty trained him, but I could not convince him to pee standing up (he was potty trained at 1). One day, a girlfriend of mine said her husband could watch him. I needed a sitter and usually wound up taking him to work. This man watched my son for 4 hours, and when I picked him up, he was standing and peeing. He said he only needed to show him 1x.

As a mother, it is my duty to raise my daughters and love my sons. It is my husband’s job to raise his sons and love his daughters. This is the beauty of family. It comes with balance. I never have to be told Happy fathers Day because I am a mom. Even when I was raising my boy, I was only capable of being his mom.

We have lost balance because of the bickering and anger of feeling dupes, excluded, and betrayed by a lover only to be left holding the diaper bag. It’s hard, I know. But we have to be open to playing our roles and allowing the other parent to play theirs. This is how we create well- rounded individuals to lead our future.

This is what self accountability looks like. And I’m sure someone will drag me or adamantly disagree, and that’s fine. But I’m not going to argue with you. If you disagree, share it with your own commentary.

This is my FAMILY thought for the day.
You’re welcome. ❤️

Closing out 2023 in 2024 🤦🏾‍♀️

Typical “me” behavior 🙄

Listen. It was a bumpy end of the year. 3 deaths, schooling transitions, business transitions, and trying to do things I didn’t really want to do, like go back to school.

I’m tired just thinking about it! Somehow, I managed to crawl my life into the new year. 🙃

There has been a lot of strange news happening, but the strangest news of all, to me, is I’m coming into the 2024 year, NOT pregnant 🤪

Seriously, though. I know we did some things, so it won’t ever happen again, but it just feels foreign to be 2 years in (almost) and not have had a positive pregnancy test.

>disclaimer< I am a happily married woman who welcomes all of our pregnancies and births because I can

I will not lie and say it hasn’t been rough. I noticed as I age, my patience thins out just a little more. And baby, if you know me, it wasn’t that thick to start. It’s not like I have NO patience, but what I do know is I have NO tolerance. Whew, a day in my shoes, and you would think I was pretty rough because I can not be around someone who doesn’t think, use their logic, or apply common sense. Like, who raised you?

Well, they say that your children will exercise you in the ways you hate. Oh. My. GOD!

I can’t even ask them, who raised you because it’s ME! I raised them. But why? Why?!

I will point to a spot, and they will look all around the spot. I legit be wanting to cry, like, yall can’t be this dumb. 🤣 Smart as a whip in those books but my god…. I swear I wish I raised them in Philly because they lack wherewithal, and I just can’t. I blame it on their father because ain’t no way, Boi. Ain’t NO way.

These jokers have been testing my patience with everything. School, housework, you name it. So, I decided that it’s time to go back on schedules. If it’s an action, it had a schedule. Eating, cleaning, laundy, vacation, day-to-day. Ev 👏🏾ver👏🏾e👏🏾thing👏🏾. If I could, they’d breathe on schedule.

On another note, I learned that I was gentle parenting all wrong. But I’m practicing the new way, so I will keep you posted.

It’s not New Year New Me.. it’s the same old me 🤷🏾‍♀️

Sorry. Not sorry.