It’s summertime bitches!!

And in perfect summertime fashion, I am going in a diet. SIKE 🤣🤣🤣. Summer gonna get the body I give it baby.  I’m talking rolls and jiggles from everything that wiggles 😂

Seriously though. I have hit the 3 month mark with Kera so I am working on moving more and being more intentional with my eating because I don’t want to be fluffy anymore. 🙃 My babies are getting older so they want me to play with them more. I am good about getting up and moving I just need to be reminded sometimes. The other day we were at a big field with hills and they were rolling. I was watching, laughing, and snapping pictures 📸 they invited me to roll and while I was like nah, that’s a Thunda Roll. 😁 But I gotta show up for my babies so I rolled my ass down that hill and it was so nostalgic. Those are the things I don’t want to miss out on.

Don’t get me wrong I’m a sexy thickum but I can definitely stand to live a healthier lifestyle. So that’s what I am doing.

As I scale Rush Consulting Firm I slowly slid to forgetting about me. That’s the thing about going after your dreams and being intentional about your goals, it can be hard to find the balance because it really doesn’t exist. But if you plan on purpose and move on purpose, you can still live your best life, on purpose. That’s the thing that people oftentimes forget, Life is work but it’s worth it. You can’t let life happen to you. You have to happen to life.

What’s it all about

This week has really been a blur. Everything happening so fast and just constantly moving. 😫 I couldn’t tell you what happened this week if I tried. Obviously Kera isn’t sleeping through the night at just 3 months so sleep just hasn’t happened yet. I’m up about every hour and half to two hours. I really couldn’t tell you the last time I slept through the night and I honestly can’t wait to.

I have a couple of clients who keep me up at night as well configuring the logistics of their business. I like that part though. It keeps my mind fresh. That’s what I loved about going to school for law, I was always researching. I probably should be a research analyst. It’s my passion.

It’s funny though; I need my own business manager. I have been reaching out to bigger firms for mentoring but once companies get big they are less apt to tell their secrets to success because I could, and hopefully will, turn out to be a competitor. In 5 years I want to have the firm complete with in house consultants and coaches. I made the mistake of hiring my previous consultants too quickly and honestly didn’t know how to train them properly. The problem is I cannot train someone to be me and my firm is known by my ability to be quick on my feet to solve client problems right now.

That’s where I hit a roadblock and shut down. I like being known by my name and the abilities that come with it and I am afraid that hiring some one who is unable to be as swift as me tarnishing the brand. Sometimes I think thats big headed of me but other times I just feel like it’s confidence. I am always humble but sure. I never take a bet I may lose.

I have alot to think about when it comes to the firm and the direction I really want to go in. It consumes me. Between that and raising a family of my size I am mentally exhausted. I decided that it’s time to see a therapist. I reached out to some one so we will see how that goes. I also have alot of tension from the entire process but I refuse to see a massage therapist because of my body confidence, or lack thereof. This is how we hinder ourselves. We over think things and let them slide or push them to the back burner. And while I advise against those thoughts to my clients, I lack in taking my own advice.

I did actually get dressed up and went to a dinner party with McRush. It was nice, for me but not really his cup of tea. Were like oil and water there. While we go along to indulge in one another’s passions we haven’t quite found our thing. He’s more reserved and laid back whereas I like to go out and do things that are more community. We were raised pretty differently from status to lifestyle. My mom and dad are social butterflies and his mom was very churchy. But, in the years we have been together we have learned to mesh very well together.

This week I plan to be more intentional and less reserved due to the image I have of myself. Also, to try to get more sleep. Lol.

What about you? What’s on your agenda for the week?

What a world.

My daughter wanted to have something like a book club for she and I. She went to the library and spotted two books that were identical and pink. Obviously that’s the standard. 😄 Anyway. The book is not 100% child friendly but not explicit. I normally don’t have a problem reading these books, hell I wrote a whole erotica, but wondering where to draw the line with my preteen.

It has cuss words and I cuss so…. the book mentioned sleeping around and climbing in men’s beds 😬 and while we are a sex talk friendly house I also do not want to encourage her.

I was listening to that Hannity show… yes, the Hannity show. This is how I found out about all of the loose teachings going on in school. Sexuality, religion, race, etc. And I have to agree that those things should not be taught in schools. Am I a prude? I mean, people have different beliefs and understandings so how can you teach a generalization of things when these topics run so deep and frankly should be personal. These are some of the reasons I homeschool.

I get that some topics are inevitable but sheesh. We have discussions about sex and responsibility. We also talk about people’s right to choose and not being judgemental. We talk about pretty much everything but I dont know if I want to read a book about it with my daughter.. 🤔 Anyhow. What types of conversations do you have with your babies and what do you think is an appropriate age?

It’s time to take your medicine.

It’s Tuesday and that means that I forgot to blog on Sunday. Well, more like after midnight Sunday which means Monday. 😉

I actually have an alarm set to remind me to blog and yet here I am, blogging for Sunday on a Tuesday.

I spent the weekend with my mom. I just took the girls with me because the boys are so rambunctious and I really wanted some calm. I know it seems like I have it all together but if you are a frequent reader of my blogs then you know that’s not entirely true. I definitely have my days.

Everyone is talking about self care and how important it is but fail to realize that some people may not have support and some people have support but not in the way they need it. I really wish that people realize that there are levels to support and more importantly, when offering or giving support it is in the way that the person or people need it not just how you want to give it.

I have a whole support system but sometimes I don’t know how I need support. I have my husband who is there to support me in raising the children and maintaining the household. I have my mom who is my support in wisdom and guidance. I have my sister who is my listening ear. I have my best friend who is my cheer up buddy. But sometimes I need support in maintaining my calm.

For those who do not know I have anxiety. Like really bad. And while my doctor is my support she cannot hold my hand all the time. So, I decided, in addition to eating healthier and aiming to live a less sedentary life, to medicate. No. It’s 100% legal. 😇 It took me awhile to come to grips that there is a part of me that I cannot control because, well, it’s me. But I have no shame in addressing areas that are beyond my control… for now.

I am making this blog, not just for the regular transparency and showing that you are not alone in your daily tasks and struggles, but to also reaffirm that it is okay to get help whatever that may look like for you. Because while the world may want us to believe that we are all one in the same, we are in fact very different. Sharing our stories helps to heal and free others and this is mine.

What’s yours?


Listen. I schedule my days off and it seems like I work more on those days than any other.

I just would like to go on record and say that being a adult is totally not worth it. 🙃

This week was pretty adventurous. I was slammed with work. Children in practices. Backend work for Rush Consulting Firm. And being a new mom again for the 12th time. 😏

Plus side is my mom came to town to hang out with me. We were supposed to go to a High Tea but didn’t really feel like it at the last minute. 😕 I enjoyed the one on one with her much more.

No real epiphanies except to not feel guilty about plans you made but changed your mind. You are entitled to that. So many time we feel obligated to show up for someone or something and we have a change of heart or mind. That’s okay. Don’t feel committed to spend time doing something that no longer serves you. While you are penciling in time for people and events be sure to make te for you. Even if that simply looks like rest.