Hello. My name is Maisha Rush and I am, among many other things, a Blogger.
I blog about my good days and my bad days, I blog about my opinions and my facts but what I mostly blog about is my life as a mother, wife, and entrepreneur. No matter how successful I get I will always remain a hustler looking for the next stream of income. I will share my ideas and knowledge with you and I hope you will share as well. In our house, there are our 12 children, hubby and myself, and fish, lots of fish. (though I probably won’t blog about them though because that’s McRush’s hobby). I can assure you we are not your average family. A Conscious, Pro Black, homeschooling, vegan family who is looking to leave our mark in the world.
Commonly known as iRush, whether together or separate you are sure to get a laugh out of the mayhem and foolishness we cause one another. Come on a journey with us of laughter, growth, and happiness.

Feel free to also get a live look at us on my YouTube channel. http://www.youtube.com/c/MsMyRush
follow on Facebook- http://www.Facebook.com/MaishaRush
IG: @JustAskMaia
Twitter- @Rush_Consulting
Email- JustAskMaia@yahoo.com

8 thoughts on “iRush

    1. Thank you for taking a peek! Make sure, if you didn’t, to read homeschooling 101. It outlines ways to homeschool without breaking the bank. Also check out my favorite tlsbooks.com for FREE printables. Love and Light Queen.


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